Philip Sarvinis
BASc, P.Eng. | Managing Principal
As Managing Principal of the Building Science and Restoration teams for RJC’s Ontario offices, Philip is responsible for managing, developing and growing the practice across Eastern Canada while ensuring that clients’ needs are met. He enjoys the hands-on management of both evaluation and rehabilitation projects, and prides himself on his ability to ensure the work is completed on time and on budget.
Philip has devoted his career to the assessment, rehabilitation and protection of aging buildings and structures. As an expert on the effects of the environment and general use on buildings, and in particular the deterioration of buildings and structures, Philip has published papers on the subject and lectures at industry events and educational institutions around the world. An expert in buildings and structural deterioration, he is sought as an expert witness in cases related to his field of expertise.
Philip graduated with honours from the University of Toronto. He actively contributes to the building renewal industry as Past-President of the Building Concrete Restoration Association of Ontario, and as an engaged member of several industry organizations.
Professional Affiliations
- Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO)
- Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba (EGM)
- Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS)
- Engineers of Nova Scotia (APENS)
- Engineers and Geoscientists New Brunswick (APEGNB)
- Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Newfoundland & Labrador (PEGNL)
- Past-President, Building Concrete Restoration Association of Ontario (BCRAO)
- Canadian Parking Association
- International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI)
- Construction Specifications Canada (CSC)
- Canadian Society for Civil Engineers (CSCE)
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- American Concrete Institute (ACI)
- Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA)
- Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario (ACMO)
- Canadian Condominium Institute (CCI)
- Greater Toronto Apartment Association (GTAA)
- Federation of Rental-Housing Providers of Ontario (FRPO)