Structural Restoration Expertise

We are passionate about helping clients maintain, protect and improve their buildings and other structures. RJC's specialized Structural Restoration teams deliver our collective structural engineering, building science, materials science and prime consulting expertise. Our creative teams love the challenge of solving the 'puzzles' presented by each unique project, and the trusting relationships fostered by working with our clients to find the most effective solutions.
The Boulevard Parking Garage Rehabilitation
Park Square Pedway Bridge Restoration
35 Charles Street West Parking Garage and Podium Deck Rehabilitation
University of Toronto Rotman School of Business - Parking Garage Rehabilitation
Edmonton City Centre East Parkade Suicide Prevention Barriers
Prince Rupert Courthouse Envelope Renewal

Knowledge you can trust

We know how structures are designed and function. We know how they deteriorate and fail, and how to effectively maintain and repair them for lasting value. For decades, clients have trusted us to provide valuable advice and services on evaluating, maintaining and restoring their structures.

RJC's knowledge base gained over those years equips our specialists to provide a high-level of expertise.

Relationships are key

Most of our clients are long-term partners, entrusting us with their structures over their service life. Our restoration knowledge has been applied to all common building types, as well as many specialized industrial facilities. When RJC is engaged as prime consultant, we collaborate with clients to deliver optimum results.

We know the importance of developing procedures and schedules to minimize disruption during construction.

The Boulevard Parking Garage Rehabilitation
Park Square Pedway Bridge Restoration
35 Charles Street West Parking Garage and Podium Deck Rehabilitation
University of Toronto Rotman School of Business - Parking Garage Rehabilitation
Edmonton City Centre East Parkade Suicide Prevention Barriers
Prince Rupert Courthouse Envelope Renewal