Design-driven unparalleled parking solutions
With over 55 years of experience and more awards for parking design than any other Canadian firm, RJC Engineers is the perfect partner for parking projects. We are a leader in creative, integrated parking solutions that focus on security, durability, economy, and user-friendly design. For clients seeking a structural engineer, restoration engineer, parking consultant or prime consultant for a parking facility, RJC excels.
Parking planning
Parking facility design is a specialized field. To undertake this successfully, and to deliver exceptional value to our clients in the parking industry, it is essential to immerse ourselves in the industry and to continuously drive it forward. With our extensive knowledge of both functional planning and structural design, we can strategically integrate these two important aspects in the design of any parking structure.
This integration allows us to minimize the cost per square foot and optimize the cost per car stall.
Durable design and corrosion protection
A parking structure designed and constructed with a focus on durability will not require the same level of maintenance and repair as one that was not. Our parking experts demonstrate time and again that a slightly higher initial capital cost results in reduced operating costs and a lower life-cycle cost for your parking structure.