Dennis Gam
MEng, P.Eng. | Principal
Dennis specializes in seismic risk mitigation, renovation, and structural repair projects for existing buildings. An effective and reliable team player with a talent for bringing practical solutions to structural engineering problems, Dennis is an experienced and trusted advisor.
Dennis and his group provide a range of consulting services to both Consultants and Contractors that work within an existing building environment. This can include engineering for any number of secondary structural elements, and seismic restraint engineering for equipment and fixtures. His group helps bring additional value to projects by combining their specialty engineering expertise with a deep knowledge of base building structural engineering. This extends to consulting services related to seismic risk mitigation planning ranging from seismic risk assessment strategies; upgrades; and preparation of rapid damage assessment guidelines for specific buildings.
Dennis completed his Bachelor of Applied Science at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and joined RJC upon graduation. While working, he completed his Master’s of Structural Engineering, also at the University of British Columbia.
Professional Affiliations
- Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC)
- Building Owners and Managers Association of British Columbia (BOMA BC)